WWE Smacdown March 29, 2013 Full Show

SmackDown Results March 29, 2013

The Rock comes out and he says about a month ago he did a little thing on Raw called “Storytime With The Rock” and he figures Storytime should continue. He talked about being 15 years old. He continues with showing a picture of himself at 15. He then tells a story about the origin of his famous catchphrase “candy ass” and how it all started in Hershey, Pennsylvania. A man will go to great lengths to get what he wants and that means Hershey Whatchamacallit and it also means beating John Cena at Wrestlemania and last Monday night John Cena got in his face and he kicked Cena’s candy ass. He knows at Wrestlemania John Cena’s going to come back and have more passion and more fire than he’s ever had in his life but Rock is going to keep kicking his candy ass. John Laurinaitis then makes a surprising return. Rock asks who Laurinaitis is and Laurinaitis says everyone in the WWE Universe knows who he is. Rock tells Laurinaitis he interrupted Storytime with The Rock and Laurinaitis says Teddy Long gave him permission to come out and talk to The Rock. Laurinaitis tells Rock they’re a lot alike. Rock is the People’s Champion and Laurinaitis created People Power. He calls himself the greatest General Manager the WWE has ever seen until it was ruined by one man. John Cena. Laurinaitis says Cena is the reason he was fired and also the reason he’s back. Rock tells Laurinaitis to get to the point and Laurinaitis tells Rock that John Cena will do whatever he has to do to beat The Rock and offers him a business proposition. Laurinaitis calls both himself and Rock businessmen and offers to be in The Rock’s corner at Wrestlemania. Laurinaitis says the WWE Universe may not like it and asks Rock if he wants to be popular or if he wants to win. Laurinaitis says winning is everything and with him in Rock’s corner there is no way John Cena will beat Rock at Wrestlemania and compares himself and Rock to a Reeses’ Peanut Butter cups. Rock then polls the WWE Universe on whether or not they’d like to see The Rock team up with Laurinaitis which the crowd boos and the Rock says the people have spoken. Both he and Laurinaitis send John Cena a message together. Rock and Laurinaitis then shake hands and Laurinaitis goes to walk away but Rock pulls him back and delivers a spinebuster followed by The People’s Elbow.

Wade Barrett vs Chris Jericho
Side headlock by Barrett and a shoulderblock off the irish whip. Jericho with a series of chops and a back elbow. Flying forearm to Barrett and Barrett gets clotheslined over the top ropes. Baseball slide by Jericho and Jericho follows Barrett to the outside throwing him back in. Jericho stomps but Barrett fights back with kicks and punches. Jericho reverses the Irish Whip. Barrett sends Jericho over the ropes, Jericho lands on the apron. A punch to Barrett and Jericho going to the top rope but Barrett cuts him off sending him to the floor with a big boot to the skull. Chinlock on Jericho. Jericho fights out of it and a shoulder block by Jericho. Barrett sends Jericho over the ropes. Jericho on the apron climbs to the top rope and delivers an axe handle to Barrett. Jericho misses with the Lionsault. Barrett hits the Winds Of Change. Irish whip by Barrett and Jericho gets the boot up. Jericho off the top rope with a crossbody. Barrett going for Wasteland countered into the Walls by Jericho but Barrett fights out of it. Jericho sends Barrett to the floor. Jericho misses with the springboard kick to the head and lands on the floor. Barrett argues with Miz, and slides back in the ring and Jericho hits the Codebreaker for the three count

Ryback vs Mark Henry - Bench Press Challenge
Booker T and Teddy Long are out for the Bench Press Contest between Ryback and Mark Henry. Both Henry and Ryback are introduced and go to get in each other’s face but Booker breaks it up and warns them if they violate the No Contact clause they will be banned from Wrestlemania. Long then says they flipped a coin to see who would go first and Henry won the coin toss and will begin. Booker informs everyone the current record is 51 reps. Henry sets the record at 53 reps. Ryback is up next. Ryback is one rep away from beating Henry but Henry stops Ryback from reaching 54.

Daniel Bryan & Kaitlyn vs Dolph Ziggler & AJ
Headlock by Ziggler and a shoulderblock off the Irish whip to Daniel Bryan. Bryan with an armdrag and Kaitlyn tags herself in. AJ kicks Kaitlyn. Spinning wheel kick by AJ. AJ with a double neckbreaker. Kaitlyn with a Clothesline. Bryan clotheslines Ziggler and dropkicks him to the corner. Bryan with Ziggler on the top rope and a hurricanrana countered into a sunset flip by Ziggler. Bryan with a series of kicks.  Bryan off the ropes, Langston grabs the ankle and Ziggler hits a dropkick. Kane takes Langston out with the big boot. Ziggler takes Kane out with a baseball slide. Bryan looking for the No Lock. AJ gets the tag and jumps on Bryan’s back as Ziggler kicks Bryan. Bryan with a backdrop and sends Ziggler into the timekeeper’s area. Kaitlyn pulls AJ back in but AJ with the neck snap on the top rope. AJ back in the ring and Kaitlyn hits the spear for the three count

Great Khali vs Jack Swagger
Khali overpowers Swagger. Khali has Swagger tied up in the corner and ducks the big chop. Swagger unloads on Khali. Swagger off the rope this time he runs into the giant chop.  Khali delivers a series of slaps to the chest. Khali looking for the Punjabi Plunge but Swagger delivers a series of knees to the gut. Swagger runs into an elbow and a kick from Khali. Series of clotheslines by Khali and Swagger ducks out of the way of another Khali chop. Khali looking to go after Swagger and Swagger trips him up on the top rope. Swagger going after the leg. Swagger going for the Patriot Lock but Khali kicks him away. Swagger Locks it in on the outside as the referee calls for the double countout. After the match Swagger tosses Hornswoggle into the barricade then steps on his ankle but Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and says Swagger already attacked him twice and challenges him to go for a third.  Rodriguez makes his way down to the ring and Swagger turns around and Alberto Del Rio attacks from behind and locks in the cross armbreaker. Colter pries Del Rio off of Swagger but Rodriguez hits him with the crutch then tosses the crutch to Del Rio. Del Rio winds up but Swagger ducks and retreats back up the ramp.

Big Show, Randy Orton & Sheamus vs Antonio Cesaro & Team Rhodes Scholars
Side headlock by Cesaro. Back elbow by Orton and an uppercut. Sheamus with a series of forearms across the back. Cesaro gets the boots up, Cesaro unloading on Sheamus. Hiptoss blocked by Sheamus and a clothesline to Cesaro.  Show with a series of chest slaps to Rhodes and an elbow to Cesaro. Slam by Show to Rhodes.Sheamus has Sandow by his beard. Orton with the 10 punch in the corner. Uppercut to Sandow. Sandow backs Orton in their corner and Sandow with shoulder tackles. Rhodes with a stomp to the gut. Cesaro with the double stomp on Orton. Cesaro picks Orton up and delivers the gutwrench. Submission hold by Rhodes on Orton. Headbutt by Orton, Rhodes with a knee off the irish whip.  Sandow with knee strikes and the side Russian legsweep. Sandow follows up with the Cobito Acquiet. Chinlock on Orton. Orton with the backbreaker to Sandow. Sheamus with a series of axehandles. Shoulder tackle and kneelift. Sheamus with the Fiery Red Hand on Rhodes, delivers The Fiery Red Hand to Sandow. Sheamus picks Rhodes up and delivers White Noise. Sheamus going for the Brogue Kick but Cesaro and Sandow double team. Show with the KO Punch to Cesaro, sends Sandow into Orton for an RKO and Sheamus with the Brogue Kick to Rhodes for the three count. After the match The Shield comes out from the crowd. Big Show, Sheamus, and Randy Orton goes after them to end the show.

Matches for Tonight's WWE Smackdown March 29, 2013

Wade Barrett vs. Chris Jericho

Weight lifting competition with Mark Henry and Ryback

Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston and AJ Lee vs. Kane, Daniel Bryanand Kaitlyn

The Great Khali vs. Jack Swagger

Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro vs. Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton

WWE is focusing on the following points for tonight's show:

How will The Rock choose to lay the SmackDown?

After bench press records were shattered, would Henry or Ryback fall?

Does Team Hell No need some Diva love?

Can Wade Barrett get back on track?

What will Jack Swagger's next dastardly deed be?

Follow me on Twitter @WorkhorseWWE

Evan Bourne Returns! Plans for Alberto Del Rio After WrestleMania

At the last NXT house show Evan Bourne returned. He missed more than a year because of fractures and dislocations to his foot. In his first match since returning he defeated El Generico after his finisher the Shooting Star Press. Video from the show:

Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the WWE plans to further promote Alberto Del Rio as a good-natured and sincere guy. Regardless of the outcome of its mast at WrestleMania, Del Rio will continue to turn into an idol of Mexican wrestling fans, like Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio.

Follow me on twitter @WorkhorseWWE for more WWE News.

Main Event Full Show March 27, 2013

Main Event Results March 27, 2013

Antonio Cesaro vs. Kane
The two men start with a lockup pushing each other to see who's stronger, and Kane got the better of Cesaro until Cesaro was able to drag Kane into a turnbuckle. Cesaro went to the top rope going for a flying chop, but Kane countered with an uppercut. Cesaro took control after hitting a high knee on Kane. Kane fights back and went for the flying clothesline only to get a European uppercut from Cesaro. Cesaro had Kane in a rest hold. Kane battled out and attempted a chokeslam, but Cesaro countered with a gutwrench suplex. Cesaro ran to the ropes and got caught in a tilt-o-whirl powerslam by Kane. Kane executed his flying clothesline. He was going for a chokeslam but AJ’s music hit and she skipped around the ring. Cesaro tried to capitalize on the distraction with a Neutralizer, but Kane backdropped Cesaro and hit a chokeslam for the pinfall victory.

The Bella Twins vs. Cameron and Naomi
Cameron started the match with one of the Bellas and controlled the action briefly, but the Bella managed to capitalize when her sister distracted Cameron. The Bellas took control and worked a series of quick tags to wear down Cameron. Cameron eventually got the hot tag to Naomi, who took a Bella out with a flurry of offence. Cody hopped on the apron and Naomi slapped his mustache twice. A Bella took advantage of the distraction and botched a roll-up to win the match.

Follow me on Twitter for more WWE News.

WWE WrestleMania News

It is possible, that after Booker T is inducted into the Hall of Fame, he will turn Heel. House Shows in Poland after WrestleMania declared a new battle between The Miz and Antonio Cesaro. Mick Foley said that Terry Funk will induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame. Possible matches for the WrestleMania Pre-Show are Ryback vs. Mark Henry and or Chris Jericho vs. Fandango. 

The next line is a spoiler, if you want to read it then highlight the text:

On Smackdown John Laurenaitis returned and said that he wants to be in the corner of The Rock at WrestleMania 29. The Rock answered with a spinebuster and People's Elbow.

RAW Results March 25, 2013

Punk talks about how people say The Undertaker’s Streak is unbreakable and how The Deadman is unstoppable at WrestleMania. Punk talks about the urn and what “they” say it means to Taker’s powers. Punk says “they” don’t know what they’re talking about. Punk says he’s the only one that matters. Punk says Taker’s career is now being re-written by the best in the world.Punk juggles the urn and says it means everything to Taker but nothing to him, before throwing it to the mat. Punk goes on and says he’s waiting, here he is. He’s waiting for the lights to go out and those magic words, “rest in peace.” Punk says at WrestleMania, Taker and his perfect record will… rest… in… the lights go out and the bells toll. They come back on and Taker is in the ring. Taker unloads on Punk and beats him down in the corner. Heyman grabs the urn and runs to the back with it. Punk escapes and runs up the ramp as Taker paces around the ring. Heyman comes back out with the urn and hands it to Punk. Punk taunts Taker with the urn as his music plays.

Fandango vs. ???
Back from the break and out comes Fandango with his dancer and their own entrance. Fandango takes the mic and says his name but is interrupted by Chris Jericho. Jericho runs down and spears Fandango. Jericho unloads and Cole mentions this was not the scheduled match. Fandango escapes out of the ring and heads to the back with his dancer. Jericho is hype and looks on from the ring as his music hits. Cole mentions Jericho was scheduled to face Dolph Ziggler later on. Dolph’s music hits and out he comes with AJ Lee and Big E Langston.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho tackles Dolph to start the match. Jericho with a back elbow that sends Ziggler to the mat. More offense from Jericho as AJ looks on. Ziggler with a big kick to the face to turn it around. The crowd chants for Jericho and he fights back. Ziggler blocks Walls of Jericho but runs into an elbow. Jericho climbs to the top and comes down with a big crossbody for a 2 count. Ziggler is in control after Big E laid out Jericho during the commercial. Jericho with a roll up for 2 now. Ziggler dropkicks him for another 2 count. Ziggler with a splash in the corner. More back and forth. Jericho comes off the top with a double ax handle and a clothesline. Ziggler runs into a big boot. Jericho with the bulldog. Big E gets on the apron but Jericho dropkicks him. Ziggler with a big DDT for a close 2 count. More back and forth. Ziggler taps out to the Walls of Jericho. After the match, Big E runs over Jericho and lays him out with his finisher. They leave and out comes Fandango with his dancer. They dance around Jericho before Fandango attacks him and unloads. Fandango screams for Jericho to say his name as the crowd chants “you can’t wrestle.” Jericho tries to fight back but Fandango lays him out. He goes to the top rope, poses and hits a big leg drop. Fandango takes the mic and says it's, "FAN DAN GO!"

Mark Henry vs. The Usos
Henry locks up with one of the Usos and sends him to the mat. Henry tosses Uso across the ring and he tags in his brother. Henry keeps control until they double team him with a dropkick and a few superkicks. Henry goes down and gets hit with a big Superfly Splash for a 2 count. More double teaming but Henry fights them off. Henry sends one Uso flying from the apron into the fan barrier. Big clothesline for the other Uso. Henry hits a World’s Strongest Slam for the win. After the match, Henry goes to ringside and grabs the one of the Usos. Henry brings him in the ring hits another World’s Strongest Slam. Henry with another slam on the other Uso. Henry hits the ropes and drops a big splash on the other Uso, saying that nobody splashes him and gets away with it.

Antonio Cesaro vs. Alberto Del Rio
They lock up and Cesaro works on the arm. They trade holds and Del Rio also works on the arm. Cesaro makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Cesaro takes Del Rio to the corner and works him over now. Del Rio fights back and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Zeb Colter comes out to the stage and distracts Del Rio. Cesaro attacks from behind and takes back control. Cesaro with more offense in the corner. Cesaro with a headbutt to the jaw. Cesaro goes up top but Del Rio cuts him off. Del Rio climbs up for a superplex and nails it. Jack Swagger appears at ringside and attacks Ricardo. Swagger rips Ricardo’s protective boot off. Del Rio gets up and leaps out of the ring, taking Swagger out. Del Rio unloads on Swagger and fights him into the crowd. Del Rio with a big kick to the jaw. Del Rio gets counted out. Del Rio comes back in the ring and interrupts Cesaro’s celebration. Del Rio puts him in the cross armbreaker before breaking it and pointing at the WrestleMania 29 sign. Del Rio goes to ringside where trainers are checking on Ricardo’s leg.

Titus O'Neil and Darren Young vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan 
Kane starts off with Titus. Kane with an early pin attempt. Bryan comes in and unloads with kicks on Titus. Kane comes back in and they double team Titus in the corner. Kane drops Titus with a right hand for a 2 count. Titus fights Kane off and tags in Young for some double teaming in their corner. The match goes on and Young takes it to Bryan now. Ziggler, AJ and Langston appear on the stage to watch the match. Titus comes back in and stomps on Bryan. More double teaming by The Prime Time Players. Young with a 2 count on Bryan. Lots more back and forth. Kane with a chokeslam on Young for the win. 

Triple H comes out and talks about he can never compete if he loses at WrestleMania 29. HHH puts over how much of a beast Brock Lesnar is. Triple H says he has fought in the ring like his life depended on it. Triple H advises Lesnar to show up at WrestleMania like his career is on the line, like his life depended on it because it very well might. Triple H isn't coming to WrestleMania to wrestle or fight, he's coming to kick Lesnar's ass. He drops the mic and exits the ring but stops when Wade Barrett's music hits and out comes the Intercontinental Champion. They meet on the ramp and have a staredown. Barrett motions for Triple H to get to the back. Triple H kicks him below the belt and looks up at the WrestleMania sign. Triple H keeps walking and heads to the back. 

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz 
Miz quickly hits an atomic drop and goes for the Figure Four but Barrett escapes the ring. Barrett comes back in and Miz with more drops and a Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Barrett escapes again and stalls on the outside. They go at it and Miz has control until Barrett hits a big boot on the top rope. Barrett with forearm shots now. Barrett with a high knee to the gut and a 2 count. More back and forth. Miz with another roll up for 2. Miz with the backbreaker but Barrett blocks the neckbreaker. Miz dumps Barrett over the top and to the floor. Miz leaps off the apron with an ax handle and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Back from the break and Barrett is in control with a pin attempt. During the break, Barrett threw Miz into the barrier outside of the ring. Barrett chokes Miz on the ropes now. Barrett with knees to the face. Barrett sends Miz to the floor with a big knee. The crowd boos Barrett. Barrett brings it back in for a 2 count. Barrett works on the lower back now. Miz makes a comeback and sends Barrett into the turnbuckles. Miz with a crossbody and a high knee. Miz hits the running clothesline in the corner and goes to the top. Miz comes crashing down on Barrett for another 2 count. Barrett blocks Skull Crushing Finale and hits Winds of Change for a 2 count. Miz slides out of Wasteland and blocks a big kick. Miz goes for Figure Four but Barrett turns it into a 2 count. Miz sweeps Barrett and goes for the Figure Four again. Barrett kicks him into the ring post. Barrett rolls Miz up for 2. Barrett with a big kick to the head and a 2 count. Barrett goes for the Bullhammer Elbow but Miz ducks and rolls Barrett up for 2. Barrett tosses Miz to the apron. Miz ducks and Barrett gets hung up on the ropes. Miz drops Barrett and applies the Figure Four for the win. 

The Shield vs. Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel and The Great Khali 
Rollins and Khali starts the match. Khali takes him to the corner and hits a big chop before tagging in Ryder. Ryder and Rollins go at it. Rollins runs into double knees but sends Ryder to the mat from the top. Rollins stomps away on Ryder mounts him with right hands. Ambrose comes in and they double team Ryder. Ambrose works over Ryder and hits a dropkick against the ropes. Reigns comes in and decks Ryder. Reigns tosses Ryder into the corner and beats him down. Ambrose comes in for more double teaming on Gabriel now. Khali gets knocked off the apron. Ambrose holds Gabriel in a surfboard type move as Rollins comes crashing off the top for the win. After the match, The Great Khali comes in and attacks The Shield but they beat him down and hit the triple powerbomb. They pose but Sheamus' music hits and out he comes to the stage. Randy Orton's music hits next and out he comes to stand beside Sheamus. Orton and Sheamus head to the ring for a fight. Big Show comes through the crowd and they have the ring surrounded. Show, Orton and Sheamus hit the ring and a brawl breaks out. They clean house and The Shield retreats through the crowd. Sheamus, Orton and Show look at the WrestleMania sign as Show's music plays. 

We get a look back at Chris Jericho and Fandango from earlier. Backstage, Jericho walks out of Vickie Guerrero's office and Josh Mathews stops him for comment. Jericho says when you've done what he has in WWE, you become a target. Jericho says Fandango has kicked his ass twice in a row and it means nothing, he's proven nothing. Jericho says Fandango will now get his chance at WrestleMania 29. Jericho vs. Fandango is official. 

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow vs. Brodus Clay and Tensai 
Back from the break and Brodus Clay, Tensai, Cameron and Naomi are dancing in the ring. It's going to be Clay starting things out with Sandow. Sandow strikes but Clay runs over him. Clay with a clothesline in the corner and a tag to Tensai. They double team Sandow with a big slam. Tensai misses in the corner but hits a big shoulder. Cody tags in and goes at it with Tensai. Sandow comes back in for some double teaming and stomps on Tensai. Sandow with an elbow and a 2 count. Cody comes back in and keeps Tensai in control. Cody comes off the top but Tensai drops him with a right hand in mid-air. Clay comes in and works over Cody. He knocks Sandow off the apron. Clay with a big overhead suplex and splash in the corner. The Bellas pull Cody to safety but Cameron and Naomi attack them. Sandow gets a cheap shot on Clay and Cody hits the Disaster Kick for the win. 

Ryback vs. 3MB 
Ryback starts off with Slater and the crowd starts chanting "feed me more." Ryback goes after Drew and Jinder while Slater attacks him. Ryback hits a Thesz Press and then slams his head into the mat repeatedly. Ryback with a splash. Slater tags in McIntyre. Ryback rams him back into the corner and hits some chops. Ryback knocks Slater off the apron and clotheslines Mahal. Ryback turns around to a big kick from McIntyre. Drew tags in Mahal. He stomps away on Ryback. Slater comes back in and they keep Ryback in the corner. Slater with a big knee for a 1 count. Drew comes back in with a clothesline and pin attempt. Drew keeps Ryback on the mat now. Ryback slams Drew but Mahal tags in and gets a 2 count. Slater comes back in for some double teaming but Ryback counters it. Ryback tosses Drew and Mahal to the floor. Slater fights but Ryback knocks him out of the air with a shoulder. Ryback with spinebusters for Slater and Mahal. Ryback hits a double Shellshocked on Mahal and Slater for the win. 

AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn 
The bell rings and Kaitlyn attacks AJ, taking her to the mat. Kaitlyn whips her into the corner and hits a back elbow, sending her back to the mat. Kaitlyn whips her hard into the other corners again. AJ slaps Kaitlyn but Kaitlyn takes her back down. Kaitlyn hits the gutbuster and AJ rolls out to the floor. Kaitlyn follows with a kick to the face. Kaitlyn goes for the spear on the floor but AJ side steps and Kaitlyn crashes into the barrier. AJ laughs and comes back in the ring as Kaitlyn tries to get up but can't make it before the count. 

Jerry Lawler is in the ring to moderate the Q&A with John Cena, The Rock and the WWE Legends. Lawler introduces Booker T, Mick Foley, Dusty Rhodes and then Bret Hart. Lawler introduces WWE Champion The Rock and out he comes to a big pop. Rock shakes the hands of the Legends and hugs them. Out next comes John Cena to a bit of a mixed reaction. Cena also greets the Legends and poses for the fans while his music plays. Rock and Cena both stand at their podiums. Lawler says each Legend will ask either Rock or Cena a question. Once they respond, the other will also have a chance to respond. Mick Foley is up first. Foley mentions teaming with The Rock at WrestleMania 20. Foley asks if Cena is prepared to live with the type of regret that would go with another loss this year. Before Cena can speak, the crowd tells him he sucks. Cena says whether he loses or wins, April 7th will change the face of WWE forever. Cena says he's aware that losing is a very real option for him this year. Cena brings up former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb never being able to win the big one. Cena says if he loses, he will carry the legacy of McNabb, state to state, city to city, arena to arena - he will get a reaction of disdain. Cena says statistically he will be good, but he will never be able to win the big one. Cena says he can handle failure but Rock knows nothing of failure, not yet but he soon will. A "boring" chant breaks out in the crowd. It's The Rock's turn to respond and the fans chant his name. Bret Hart is up next. He wasn't happen last year when they both were overcame with bad blood. He says it almost became a Shawn Michaels-Bret Hart thing. Bret says they're different now and asks what happened. Rock answers and says last year, it was just two guys going at it for 30 minutes in the ring. Rock says Cena took that loss like a man and he respected that. Cena talks about calling Rock out in an interview a few years ago. Cena goes on and says he respects Rock. Cena says in 13 days, we will see how Rock handles his loss. Booker T is up next. He asks Cena why he thinks he can beat Rock at WrestleMania. Cena says because he has to, that's it - he has to. The crowd boos. Rock mocks him and asks what kind of weak answer is that. Rock tells him to wipe a monkey's ass with that answer. Rock tells Cena to tell the truth about why he thinks he has to win. Cena says because Rock didn't beat him. Rock can't beat him. Cena says he beat himself. Cena says he has never said that publicly but that's fact. Cena says one bad decision, one personal moment he got caught up in. The crowd boos Cena. Cena says Rock is the only person that clouded his judgment enough to make a dumb decision. Cena says he watched the match over and over - he had Rock beat but made a stupid move by trying to use Rock's own move. Cena says that will never happen again. Cena says he will do things his way on his terms at WrestleMania 29. Cena says he knows he is better than The Rock. That's his reason. Cena says Rock knows he is better also. Rock says if Cena had him beat, he would have won. But he didn't. Rock says he had an answer for everything Cena came with. Rock quotes Ric Flair and says, "to be the man, whoo, you gotta beat the man." Rock says Cena can't beat the man because he's not the man. Dusty tries to speak but Rock holds him off. Rock says Cena will never, and he means ever, be the man. Dusty says Cena and Rock need to take the gloves off. WrestleMania isn't about respect or redemption, it's about winning and losing. Dusty says there aren't guarantees in this business. Dusty asks them what they really want on April 7th. Cena says he wants to win the big one and dominate The Rock. Cena wants Rock to be looking up at the open air at MetLife and finally realize that Cena belongs. Cena says Rock will realize that Cena is better than The Rock. Cena wants to hand Rock a loss so devastating that it haunts him for the rest of his life. Rock asks Cena who the hell he thinks he's talking to. Haunt for the rest of his life? Rock says he's not wired that way. Rock will wake up the day after WrestleMania still The People's Champion while Cena wakes up stuffing his face with Fruity Pebbles. Rock says Cena brings it like no other in the locker room but challenges him to prove him wrong right now. Rock drops the mic. Cena takes his hat and shirt off as Rock readies for a fight. They come face to face in the middle of the ring. Cena does his gesture in Rock's face. Rock shoves him. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Rock lays him out with a Rock Bottom. Rock grabs the WWE Title as his music starts up and he heads up the ramp. Rock stands with the WWE Title as Cena looks on from the mat, in front of Lawler and the Legends. RAW goes off the air with Cena looking upset. 

Change to CM Punk/Taker? WrestleMania Plans?

WWE is pushing the idea that CM Punk will try and get The Undertaker disqualified at WrestleMania 29.

While we haven’t seen Alberto Del Rio make his entrance in a fancy car in a few months now, word is that they have a grand entrance planned for him at WrestleMania 29. We’ve noted how Jack Swagger may be driving an 18-wheeler for his WrestleMania entrance.

WWE officials have been discussing turning Booker T heel once WrestleMania 29 and the Hall of Fame are over.

News for Tonights WWE RAW March 25, 2013

Tonight's WWE RAW takes place from the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with WWE Champion The Rock, John Cena, Chris Jericho and others.
There will be no Brock Lesnar or Triple H on tonight's show unless last minute changes were made. The Undertaker is being advertised by the arena but not by WWE. No matches have been announced for tonight but The Shield vs. Cena, Sheamus and Ryback is advertised locally.

WWE is focusing on the following points for tonight's show:

What will happen when Cena and Rock come face to face?

Can AJ Lee disrupt Kane and Daniel Bryan?

Does CM Punk have an unprecedented advantage over The Streak?

What will Chris Jericho have to say to Fandango?

Will Jack Swagger feel the wrath of Alberto Del Rio?

Smackdown March 22, 2013 Full Show

SmackDown Results March 22, 2013

(I really didn't watch SmackDown today so i'm just going to post the WWE's results with the full show.)

The Miz wasted little time asking his special guests, Randy Orton and Sheamus, who would replace Ryback in their upcoming Six-Man Tag Team Match at The Showcase of the Immortals. The Viper made it clear that he wanted Big Show — acknowledging that he would rather have the devil he knew over the devil he didn’t. While WWE’s Apex Predator appeared as the uncharacteristic voice of reason, The Celtic Warrior was not so certain.
The Awesome One then invited the giant himself to join the discussion. While acknowledging that he couldn’t stand Orton or Sheamus, Big Show argued that together they could conquer the likes of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Still, his long-standing Irish adversary remained resistant and things quickly grew even more intense between Sheamus and the gigantic Superstar who ended his most recent World Title run.

But the commotion was silenced by the emergence of SmackDown General Manager Booker T, who decided the three competitors would be unlikely partners in a SmackDown main event to see if they could, in fact, get along.
In a related issue, Booker later confronted Theodore Long, expressing his displeasure with the way his Senior Advisor handled his business in the matter of Ryback’s newly created Show of Shows match against Mark Henry. 

Mark Henry def. Zack Ryder; Henry and Ryback face off
With his WrestleMania showdown against Ryback set in stone, Mark Henry unleashed absolute destruction on Zack Ryder in a completely one-sided matchup, finishing him in convincing fashion with the World’s Strongest Slam.
But as the furious World’s Strongest Man continued to punish Long Island Iced-Z after the bell — with two more doses of his devastating finishing maneuver — Ryback stomped into the picture. After an intense staredown that spoke volumes, the “Human Wrecking Ball” delivered an epic clothesline that sent his stunned Showcase of the Immortals adversary heading for the hills. “Feed Me More!”

Dolph Ziggler def. Kofi Kingston
With AJ Lee literally sitting in “on” commentary, Dolph Ziggler bested Kofi Kingston for the second time in a week.
In the final moments of the fast-paced contest, Big E Langston took it upon himself to stand in the way of Kingston’s offensive and become a human shield. This prompted “The Wildcat” to launch an aerial onslaught, leaping off the top rope and out onto Ziggler’s massive enforcer on the ringside floor. Although gutsy, this caused the former Intercontinental Champion to turn his back on his opponent, allowing The Showoff to hit the leg drop and the Zig Zag for the three-count.

After the bell, Big E once again put the exclamation point on Ziggler’s triumph, sending Kingston crashing to the canvas with absolute force. This just may be a prophecy to the destruction that will unfold when Ziggler and his heavy battle WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No at WrestleMania — an epic title contest that will serve as Langston’s first-ever WWE match.

Jack Swagger def. Chris Jericho; Fandango attacked Y2J
Four days earlier on Raw — after attacking World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio — Jack Swagger broke Ricardo Rodriguez’s ankle with the Patriot Lock. With Del Rio reportedly absent from SmackDown to tend to his injured friend, the “Real American” competed against Chris Jericho in a highly anticipated rematch.

Prior to the contest, Zeb Colter stated that what happened to Rodriguez was “unfortunate, but necessary,” and it was nothing compared to what would happen to Del Rio at WrestleMania, though. He warned that, “In Jack Swagger’s America, if bones need to be broken, bones will be broken,” and that it should serve as a “wake-up call” to everybody, including Jericho.
In the height of the hard-fought match that followed, Colter distracted the referee. This cleared the road for a lurking Fandango — who had danced his way down to ringside minutes earlier —to deliver a cheap shot to Y2J. Seizing the opportunity, Swagger followed up with the Swagger Bomb to pick up the victory.
As the smoke cleared, Fandango would deliver a post-match assault to the war-torn Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla, leveling him with a thunderous leg drop off the top rope. His attack was, no doubt, a response to Jericho poking fun of his name on Raw.

Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow ended in a No Contest
Team Rhodes Scholars may have appeared optimistic about the future as they emerged for competition with the lovely Brie & Nikki Bella on their arm. But with only one week passing since a huge Divas brawl broke out between The Bella Twins and The Funkadactyls in the back, history was bound to repeat itself.
And when one of The Bellas jumped up on the apron during the contest between Team Rhodes Scholars and Brodus & “Sweet T,” it triggered another melee between the four Divas and their Superstars and ultimately left the match without a clear winner.

The Miz def. United States Champion Antonio Cesaro
After surviving the face-paced Triple Threat Intercontinental Championship Match on Raw, current titleholder Wade Barrett joined the SmackDown announce team to watch The Miz take on Antonio Cesaro.
After The Awesome One picked up a huge non-title victory over the U.S Champion with the Figure-Four Leglock, he cinched the classic maneuver back onto the Swiss Superstar for a second time, sending a powerful message that The Miz was not done with The Barrett Barrage.

Sheamus & Randy Orton & Big Show def. 3MB; Standoff with The Shield
From the moment SmackDown General Manager Booker T put Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show in a match together against 3MB, the buzz ran wild as to whether they would be able to trust each other or a lack of trust would make them vulnerable to a Shield attack.

In the final moments of their main event showdown, a resilient Orton tagged in Big Show, triggering a gigantic attack on Jinder Mahal. But when The World’s Largest Athlete suddenly caught a boot to the face from Drew McIntyre, Sheamus tagged himself in. Seconds later, Big Show rebounded to hit a KO Punch on McIntyre. This cleared the way for The Celtic Warrior to execute the Brogue Kick on the legal Mahal for the pin.
Immediately after the bell, however, Big Show took issue with Sheamus tagging himself into the match after the giant “did the work.” This led to a complete breakdown in order and things looked ready to explode between the three reluctant “partners.”  
Perhaps sensing blood in the water, The Shield emerged from the crowd. But despite the obvious conflict in the ring, the moment that Orton, Sheamus and Big Show saw Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, they instantly presented a united front, causing their treacherous adversaries to rethink their actions and retreat.

In a WWE Active exclusive moment, Big Show stormed out of the ring — after screaming that he is trying to do the right thing — leaving the WWE Universe wondering whether he is destined to join The Viper and The Celtic Warrior on The Grandest Stage of Them All. 

Matches for Tonight's WWE Smackdown March 22, 2013

Zack Ryder vs. Mark Henry

Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler

Spoiler: WWE NXT Taping Results Airing 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 & 5/1

The following results are from a recent WWE NXT TV Taping. The taping took place on March 21st, 2013 at the Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida and will air on April 3rd, April 10th, April 17th, April 24th and May 1st, 2013.

Dark Match
Sammy Sane defeated Briley Pierce. Sane is the former El Generico. The fans kept chanting Olé throughout the match.

TAPING ONE (Airing April 3rd)

Tag Team Match
Bo Dallas & Adrian Neville defeated The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Rowan). Bray Wyatt tried to interfere during the match, but was taken out by Neville. It should also be noted that prior to the match, Brad Maddox and Kassius Ohno came out to do commentary, prior to the show starting. Post-match, William Regal came out and attacked Kassius Ohno at the announce table.

Tag Team Match
Sasha Banks & Paige defeated Summer Rae & Audrey Marie. Summer Rae walked out on Audrey Marie midway during the match. Post-match, Paige left the ring and ran straight to the back after Summer Rae.

NXT Championship Match
Big E Langston (c) defeated Conor O'Brian.

TAPING TWO (Airing April 10th)

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Shield (Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns) defeated Scott Dawson, Percy Watson & Axl Keegan. Post-match, The Shield triple powerbombed Scott Dawson and said that justice has been served once again and that they will forever run the rule on WWE NXT. Corey Graves popped up on the titantron and said that he wants to take on a member of The Shield and that they should consider this an Open Challenge. Seth Rollins tells Graves that he accepts the challenge and that Graves has absolutely no idea what he is getting himself into. It should also be noted that new WWE NXT signing Kendall Skye was doing the ring announcing for this episode.

Tag Team Match
The Bella Twins (Nikki Bella & Brie Bella) defeated The Funkadactyls (Cameron & Naomi).

Singles Match
William Regal defeated Kassius Ohno.

TAPING THREE (Airing April 17th)

WWE United States Championship Match
Antonio Cesaro (c) defeated Adrian Neville. Prior to the match starting, it was announced that this week's show would feature a "Clash of the Champions" theme to the show.

WWE Divas Championship Match
Kaitlyn (c) defeated AJ Lee.

WWE NXT Championship Match
Big E Langston (c) defeated Brad Maddox.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Wade Barrett (c) defeated Bo Dallas.

TAPING FOUR (Airing April 24th)

Singles Match
Leo Kruger defeated Justin Gabriel. Prior to the match, it was announced that Seth Rollins would take on Corey Graves in a Lumberjack Match.

Singles Match
Emma defeated Bayley.

Singles Match
Bray Wyatt defeated Yoshi Tatsu.

Lumberjack Match
Seth Rollins defeated Corey Graves. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns came out and distracted the Lumberjacks during the match.

TAPING FIVE (Airing May 1st)

Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination Match
The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Rowan) defeated Primo & Epico and Bo Dallas & Adrian Neville.

Singles Match
Paige defeated Summer Rae. Prior to the match, Summer Rae attacked Paige during her entrance.

Singles Match
Chris Jericho defeated Bray Wyatt (w / Luke Harper & Rowan).

What to expect when Triple H takes over

It is noted that the developmental site NXT will be unleashed by the wrestler responsible for this promotion, though they will be trained in this area. In principle resource Wrestling Observer Newsletter says that the new NXT is an example of what we expect in the WWE after Triple H will be a key in the company. Resource suggests that since Triple H is a fan of the old school pro-wrestling, you should expect more plausible stories and a more serious approach to them with the direct participation of WWE. The company will be doing away with word for word scripts and will be teaching the talents how to work with bullet points, to allow each talent to speak as their own character and rely on themselves and their creative ability, instead of what someone wrote for them .

Kofi Kingston as a Heel?

WWE has been discussing about turning Kofi Kingston into a heel. The company believes that Kofi is talented but is left without a fued. WrestlingInc also believes that Kofi will never have a normal feud if his character does not change. If Kofi will turn Heel, the company will teach him how to do a promo.

Why Sin Cara has been absent.

Sin Cara was absent from WWE house shows last week, as a concussion during a match against Jack Swagger last Monday on RAW, March 11. Sin Cara went through various diagnostic tests, which the results were not as favorable as often happens in this type of injury. The Luchador was out and on the records of SmackDown as of Tuesday.

CM Punk receives no punishment for cursing

At the last RAW in his only segment on the show, CM Punk dropped the box, inadvertently uttering the phrase "Oh Shit!" (Shit) in the PG era is not welcome. As we can see in the live gloss over this phrase is not possible, but in subsequent promotions, such as the Main Event, with aliasing effects editors WWE managed to wipe the word "shit", leaving only the "Oh". Surely, CM Punk again does not receive any punishment. (Apparently they didn't wipe the word clearly enough because I heard him say the word "shit.")

WWE more Kid Friendly?


Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that currently WWE wants to hire a new vice president for entertainment of children's audience of the WWE. They are looking for someone who has worked with children's programs for at least ten years and is well versed in children's best interests.

WWE are planning more and more to promote their products to children's weight, with an emphasis on content show designed for the entire family. In particular, they are looking for a product that fit and would be of interest not only kids, but also their mothers.

Maria Menounous is inducting Bob Backlund not Maria Kanellis


Earlier it was reported that Bob Backlund's Hall of Fame inductor would be former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis. The Main Source had a mistake when adding the news. In the "Hall of Fame" Backlund's inductor will not be Kanellis, instead it will be Maria Menounos. Menounos and Backlund are friends in real. life.

Main Event March 20. 2013 Full Show

Main Event Results March 20, 2013

R-Truth vs. Wade Barrett (Non-Title Match)
Wasn't a good match between these two guys. Wade Barrett basically proving how better he is than The Miz in this match. At one point in the match Barrett went for the Wasteland which Truth countered but still ended up getting the Bull Hammer. After the match Barrett cut a promo on The Miz and went over to the announcers table  by him but ended up getting attacked. (Honestly I am tired of seeing Wade Barrett as Intercontinental Champion. It is just a disgrace having to see him as champion. He is so boring in the ring and he doesn't really have anything entertaining about him. I hope he loses that Intercontinental Championship belt to restore its credibility.)

Matches for Tonights WWE Main Event March 20, 2013

R-Truth vs. Wade Barrett (Non-Title Match)

Possible Heel Turn? Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis

One of the most anticipated heel turns, Randy Orton, is likely to happen at WrestleMania 29. The plan is for The Shield to win in their Six Man Tag-Team match against Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show. This is exactly for Randy Orton's heel turn.

WrestleMania Rewind for upcoming RAW

As part of Road to WrestleMania, the upcoming Monday Night RAW March 03, 2013 will be a WrestleMania Rewind. WrestleMania Rewind is basically when a WWE Superstar has a rematch from the previous WrestleMania.