SmackDown Results March 29, 2013

The Rock comes out and he says about a month ago he did a little thing on Raw called “Storytime With The Rock” and he figures Storytime should continue. He talked about being 15 years old. He continues with showing a picture of himself at 15. He then tells a story about the origin of his famous catchphrase “candy ass” and how it all started in Hershey, Pennsylvania. A man will go to great lengths to get what he wants and that means Hershey Whatchamacallit and it also means beating John Cena at Wrestlemania and last Monday night John Cena got in his face and he kicked Cena’s candy ass. He knows at Wrestlemania John Cena’s going to come back and have more passion and more fire than he’s ever had in his life but Rock is going to keep kicking his candy ass. John Laurinaitis then makes a surprising return. Rock asks who Laurinaitis is and Laurinaitis says everyone in the WWE Universe knows who he is. Rock tells Laurinaitis he interrupted Storytime with The Rock and Laurinaitis says Teddy Long gave him permission to come out and talk to The Rock. Laurinaitis tells Rock they’re a lot alike. Rock is the People’s Champion and Laurinaitis created People Power. He calls himself the greatest General Manager the WWE has ever seen until it was ruined by one man. John Cena. Laurinaitis says Cena is the reason he was fired and also the reason he’s back. Rock tells Laurinaitis to get to the point and Laurinaitis tells Rock that John Cena will do whatever he has to do to beat The Rock and offers him a business proposition. Laurinaitis calls both himself and Rock businessmen and offers to be in The Rock’s corner at Wrestlemania. Laurinaitis says the WWE Universe may not like it and asks Rock if he wants to be popular or if he wants to win. Laurinaitis says winning is everything and with him in Rock’s corner there is no way John Cena will beat Rock at Wrestlemania and compares himself and Rock to a Reeses’ Peanut Butter cups. Rock then polls the WWE Universe on whether or not they’d like to see The Rock team up with Laurinaitis which the crowd boos and the Rock says the people have spoken. Both he and Laurinaitis send John Cena a message together. Rock and Laurinaitis then shake hands and Laurinaitis goes to walk away but Rock pulls him back and delivers a spinebuster followed by The People’s Elbow.

Wade Barrett vs Chris Jericho
Side headlock by Barrett and a shoulderblock off the irish whip. Jericho with a series of chops and a back elbow. Flying forearm to Barrett and Barrett gets clotheslined over the top ropes. Baseball slide by Jericho and Jericho follows Barrett to the outside throwing him back in. Jericho stomps but Barrett fights back with kicks and punches. Jericho reverses the Irish Whip. Barrett sends Jericho over the ropes, Jericho lands on the apron. A punch to Barrett and Jericho going to the top rope but Barrett cuts him off sending him to the floor with a big boot to the skull. Chinlock on Jericho. Jericho fights out of it and a shoulder block by Jericho. Barrett sends Jericho over the ropes. Jericho on the apron climbs to the top rope and delivers an axe handle to Barrett. Jericho misses with the Lionsault. Barrett hits the Winds Of Change. Irish whip by Barrett and Jericho gets the boot up. Jericho off the top rope with a crossbody. Barrett going for Wasteland countered into the Walls by Jericho but Barrett fights out of it. Jericho sends Barrett to the floor. Jericho misses with the springboard kick to the head and lands on the floor. Barrett argues with Miz, and slides back in the ring and Jericho hits the Codebreaker for the three count

Ryback vs Mark Henry - Bench Press Challenge
Booker T and Teddy Long are out for the Bench Press Contest between Ryback and Mark Henry. Both Henry and Ryback are introduced and go to get in each other’s face but Booker breaks it up and warns them if they violate the No Contact clause they will be banned from Wrestlemania. Long then says they flipped a coin to see who would go first and Henry won the coin toss and will begin. Booker informs everyone the current record is 51 reps. Henry sets the record at 53 reps. Ryback is up next. Ryback is one rep away from beating Henry but Henry stops Ryback from reaching 54.

Daniel Bryan & Kaitlyn vs Dolph Ziggler & AJ
Headlock by Ziggler and a shoulderblock off the Irish whip to Daniel Bryan. Bryan with an armdrag and Kaitlyn tags herself in. AJ kicks Kaitlyn. Spinning wheel kick by AJ. AJ with a double neckbreaker. Kaitlyn with a Clothesline. Bryan clotheslines Ziggler and dropkicks him to the corner. Bryan with Ziggler on the top rope and a hurricanrana countered into a sunset flip by Ziggler. Bryan with a series of kicks.  Bryan off the ropes, Langston grabs the ankle and Ziggler hits a dropkick. Kane takes Langston out with the big boot. Ziggler takes Kane out with a baseball slide. Bryan looking for the No Lock. AJ gets the tag and jumps on Bryan’s back as Ziggler kicks Bryan. Bryan with a backdrop and sends Ziggler into the timekeeper’s area. Kaitlyn pulls AJ back in but AJ with the neck snap on the top rope. AJ back in the ring and Kaitlyn hits the spear for the three count

Great Khali vs Jack Swagger
Khali overpowers Swagger. Khali has Swagger tied up in the corner and ducks the big chop. Swagger unloads on Khali. Swagger off the rope this time he runs into the giant chop.  Khali delivers a series of slaps to the chest. Khali looking for the Punjabi Plunge but Swagger delivers a series of knees to the gut. Swagger runs into an elbow and a kick from Khali. Series of clotheslines by Khali and Swagger ducks out of the way of another Khali chop. Khali looking to go after Swagger and Swagger trips him up on the top rope. Swagger going after the leg. Swagger going for the Patriot Lock but Khali kicks him away. Swagger Locks it in on the outside as the referee calls for the double countout. After the match Swagger tosses Hornswoggle into the barricade then steps on his ankle but Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and says Swagger already attacked him twice and challenges him to go for a third.  Rodriguez makes his way down to the ring and Swagger turns around and Alberto Del Rio attacks from behind and locks in the cross armbreaker. Colter pries Del Rio off of Swagger but Rodriguez hits him with the crutch then tosses the crutch to Del Rio. Del Rio winds up but Swagger ducks and retreats back up the ramp.

Big Show, Randy Orton & Sheamus vs Antonio Cesaro & Team Rhodes Scholars
Side headlock by Cesaro. Back elbow by Orton and an uppercut. Sheamus with a series of forearms across the back. Cesaro gets the boots up, Cesaro unloading on Sheamus. Hiptoss blocked by Sheamus and a clothesline to Cesaro.  Show with a series of chest slaps to Rhodes and an elbow to Cesaro. Slam by Show to Rhodes.Sheamus has Sandow by his beard. Orton with the 10 punch in the corner. Uppercut to Sandow. Sandow backs Orton in their corner and Sandow with shoulder tackles. Rhodes with a stomp to the gut. Cesaro with the double stomp on Orton. Cesaro picks Orton up and delivers the gutwrench. Submission hold by Rhodes on Orton. Headbutt by Orton, Rhodes with a knee off the irish whip.  Sandow with knee strikes and the side Russian legsweep. Sandow follows up with the Cobito Acquiet. Chinlock on Orton. Orton with the backbreaker to Sandow. Sheamus with a series of axehandles. Shoulder tackle and kneelift. Sheamus with the Fiery Red Hand on Rhodes, delivers The Fiery Red Hand to Sandow. Sheamus picks Rhodes up and delivers White Noise. Sheamus going for the Brogue Kick but Cesaro and Sandow double team. Show with the KO Punch to Cesaro, sends Sandow into Orton for an RKO and Sheamus with the Brogue Kick to Rhodes for the three count. After the match The Shield comes out from the crowd. Big Show, Sheamus, and Randy Orton goes after them to end the show.

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